Luchon, Rescue from Guatemala Hit by Ax in Head

We're rescuing this poor pup from a horrible abuse case in Guatemala. This loverboy's name is Luchon, which means "fighter" in Spanish. We may work on changing his name to an English one - leave name suggestions with your donation! He's ~1 year old, weighs 30 lbs, and looks like petite Labrador mix. We found out about Lucho through a rescue group that we sponsor in Guatemala called "Guaus and Miaus." He's coming to the US in December once he's fully recovered. His medical care and transport will take at least $1,000 USD. Anything additional will go to our rescues.

Luchon approached someone looking for food and was injured by an axe or knife. He was found and taken in by one of the volunteers with the organization and immediately rushed him to the veterinarian. The veterinarian thought he would have little chance of survival since his wounds were extremely deep, but thankfully his wounds didn't injure any of his eyes. He went home with some medications and started his treatment. Immediately, the rescuer could tell that Lucho was a fighter. Little by little, he's been recovering for about 2 months now in foster care, although his face still has a large scar, which he may carry with him slightly for the rest of his life. At only a year old, he has an entire 10-15 year life to live. He's coming in December to Los Angeles to find a loving, forever home. He's a sweet boy, and we want him to never have to fear or suffer like that again. We will be working hard to find him the best possible home with lots of love, kisses, beautiful hikes and outings, good food.. he deserves the world, just like all other animals do.

This is unfortunately only one of a number of abuse cases that we hear about and help in. This is the sort of work that we try to help in aside from the other rescues that we do locally and in Mexico. If you'd like to help our cause, please visit our site at . We have other stories about other rescues that we have done.


Spanish version:

Luchó es de un lugar llamado Cuyotenango Guatemala, el hace 2 meses fue lastimado por una persona con un cuchillo ya que se acerco en busca de comida, fue lastimado de su cabeza teniendo una herida bastante profundo, por algunos días estuvo en la calle pero caminaba sin rumbo ya tratando de buscar un lugar donde morir, Alejandra Umaña una de nuestras voluntarios lo vio en la calle he inmediatamente lo rescató llevándolo al veterinario para su recuperación, el mismo le dio pocas posibilidades de vida ya que la herida era muy profunda, dejó algunos medicamentos y se inició con su tratamiento, la reacción de el era bueno, por eso le dieron el nombre de Lucho ( de luchar) poco a poco se recupero y aunque de su rostro no quedó muy bien no perdió ninguna no de sus ojos, el tiene 1 año estaría llegando para diciembre de este año a Los Ángeles

Kim Chen